It’s not you, it’s menopause

You don’t need to manage symptoms alone, such as mood, sleep, joint pain, and hot flushes. Our expert team takes menopause seriously and recommends the right care to help you feel better.

Feel in control

Fast, safe access to menopause treatment
Our online questionnaire asks about your health history and screens for 65 risk factors. We are MHRA and CQC registered.

Expert clinical care
Our nurse speclialists check your questionnaire to see which medication is right for you. You can book an appointment if needed.

Simple medication collection
Take your prescription ID to Tesco Pharmacy in-store when you pay and pick up your medication.

Online appointments with nurse specialists

Our friendly team of menopause-trained clinicians is here to listen, answer your questions and provide expert care.

Meet Joan. She is one of our nurse practitioners with over 30 years of specialist healthcare experience in women’s health, menopause, chronic disease and lifestyle management.

Book a 20-minute appointment today for £45.

How much will it cost?

  • Online appointments with Stella – £45
    These are optional unless more information is needed to prescribe.

  • Pay for medication at Tesco Pharmacy
    Check medication costs when you pick up in-store. Prices range from £11-£70 for 90 days of HRT, similar to other pharmacies.

  • Stella menopause app
    Free access to lifestyle guidance for your symptoms and unlimited wellness coaching.

No payment if we can’t help

Let’s get started!

  • 1

    Tell us about your health history

    Create a Stella account and complete our health questionnaire – it’s free and takes 15 minutes.

  • 2

    Choose your treatment

    Stella clinicians recommend treatment or ask you to book an appointment if they need more information to prescribe. Online appointments cost £45.

  • 3

    Collect your medication at Tesco

    Take your prescription ID to Tesco Pharmacy and pick-up your medication. You can check medication costs before paying.

  • 4

    Download the Stella menopause app

    Kick-start your lifestyle with a personalised plan. Get coach support and learn more about menopause with our library and events.


Stella is an online menopause clinic that offers fast relief for your symptoms.

We have partnered with Tesco Pharmacy to help you access specialist menopause care privately. You pay Stella if have an online appointment. You pay Tesco Pharmacy for any prescribed medication.

Here’s how to get started:

  • Create a Stella account and complete our health history questionnaire – it’s free and takes 15 minutes
  • Stella clinicians recommend treatment or ask you to book an appointment if they need more information to prescribe. Online appointments cost £45
  • Choose your treatment, which is approved by Stella clinicians
  • Stella emails you a prescription ID to collect your medication from Tesco Pharmacy
  • Show your prescription ID to Tesco Pharmacy to collect your medication. You can check medication costs before paying. Prices range from £11-£70 for 90 days of HRT, similar to other pharmacies

Once you have paid, you have access to Stella’s menopause app for 12 months. It offers lifestyle guidance, coaching, menopause library and online events with our experts.

You pay Stella for an appointment if more information is needed to prescribe or if you want to book one. Online appointments with a Stella clinician cost £45. Not everyone will need an appointment.

You pay Tesco Pharmacy for any prescribed medication. You can check medication costs before paying. Prices range from £11-£70 for 90 days of HRT, similar to other pharmacies.

Medications prescribed privately do not have standardised costs like the NHS. Prices vary depending on what is prescribed.

Menopause is a natural part of ageing and typically happens between ages 45 and 55, although some experience it earlier. Menopause can also follow cancer treatment or surgery to remove your ovaries or uterus.

Menopause stages

  • Perimenopause is when your body’s hormone levels change, such as oestrogen. You may notice irregular periods and other symptoms, such as mood changes, sleep issues, hot flushes, weight gain, joint pain and more. This stage lasts 4-8 years on average
  • Menopause is when you have not had a period for 12 months. This is typically in your early 50s. This can be hard to work out if you are using hormonal contraception
  • Postmenopause is the time after menopause and symptoms can continue. There are more than 30 symptoms, such as sleep issues, hot flushes, mood changes, joint pain, weight gain and bladder problems. What you experience can be affected by your health history, lifestyle and age

Remember, you do not have to wait until symptoms severely affect your life before seeking treatment – you deserve support to feel better.

Healthier habits help many menopause symptoms including weight gain, sleep disturbance, bladder problems, and joint pain. Sometimes, lifestyle changes aren’t always enough.

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)

HRT is prescribed for mood problems, sleep disturbance, hot flushes, night sweats and vaginal dryness. It can also help joint pain and changes that affect your genital area, such as:

  • Urinary incontinence
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Vaginal skin thinning, irritation, and tightening of your vaginal walls
  • Painful sex

Typically, you can notice positive effects after 4-6 weeks when starting HRT – it can take some trial and error to find the right prescription. Its effectiveness can depend on your lifestyle, family history and medical conditions. You may notice side effects shortly after starting HRT, which usually wear off after 1-3 months.

Non-hormonal treatment

HRT is not suitable for everyone. There are also several safe and effective non-hormonal medications that can help reduce menopause symptoms like hot flushes and mood swings. These medications may be a good alternative.

You may notice side effects shortly after starting HRT, which usually wear off after 1-3 months. If side effects do not settle or your symptoms haven’t improved, your medication may need to be adjusted or changed. Contact Stella’s care team at or 020 8016 2064 for support.

If you need to speak to a Stella clinician, online appointments cost £45.

Repeat prescriptions

Your first prescription is for 90 days. Stella will email you before your prescription runs out to invite you to complete a repeat assessment. We check your treatment is working, if you have new symptoms and if your health history has changed.

Stella will renew your prescription for 90 days if treatment is easing symptoms. You may need to speak to a Stella clinician, online appointments cost £45.

Stella’s customer care team is here to answer any questions at or 020 8016 2064.

No, Stella does not replace your GP and the service they provide for your general health queries and support. Stella offers a fast, hassle-free way to evaluate if medication is suitable to ease your symptoms during menopause.

With your consent, we will send a clinical letter to your GP. It is important they update your healthcare records about any new prescriptions as it may affect other medications or medical conditions.

What do our patients say?

“The questionnaire is detailed which was reassuring. It was simple to get treatment with you and Tesco. Being on HRT really helps my symptoms.”


“I am so happy to receive my treatment through you. My doctor did not take my symptoms seriously and would not prescribe HRT. ”


“I wanted to know more about HRT and the clinician answered my questions during my appointment, even those I didnʼt know I had! ”
