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How to sleep when it’s hot – tips for keeping cool at night during menopause

byLara Crisp

Feeling hot – and not in a sexy way? If the summer heat has you sizzling like a sausage on the BBQ, you’re going to want to read these tips. Some of the most frustrating menopause symptoms are hot flushes and night sweats and the sweltering summer heat can make it even harder to get a good night’s rest. Read on for ideas on how to stay cool, manage night sweats, and enjoy restful sleep even when the temperature keeps rising.

Getting your bedroom ready for a comfortable sleep

It may seem obvious but making your bedroom cool and inviting is the first step to getting a good night’s sleep. Here are some ideas to try:

Choose breathable bedding

Swapping your usual bedding for those made from breathable fabrics like cotton or bamboo can help. These materials allow air to circulate, regulating your body temperature and reducing discomfort from night sweats.

Invest in cooling pillows: 

Look for pillows designed to dissipate heat, such as those made from gel-infused memory foam or cooling gel pads.

Remove any distractions

Keep TVs, phones and other electronic devices in another room or charge them outside your bedroom. It’s too tempting to get trapped in the scroll zone if they’re within arm’s reach and the light from screens can disrupt your sleep quality.

Keep your room for sleep

Keep your room tidy so it feels restful and remove your work laptop if you work from your bedroom. It is helpful if you are not reminded about your work to-do lists before you go to sleep!

Improve the temperature and airflow

Open windows for cross ventilation

Open windows on opposite sides of your bedroom if you can, or keep a gap at the top and bottom if you have sash windows. This allows fresh air to circulate and helps cool the room.

Use fans

Place fans near windows or doorways to bring in cooler air, improving air circulation and temperature. A fan near your bed can feel cooling on your body and face. 

Experiment with air conditioning

If night sweats are a real problem for you, it may help to invest in a portable air conditioning unit. Set your air conditioning to a comfortable temperature before bedtime. A programmable thermostat can help keep your room cool through the night. Experiment with different temperature settings to find what suits you best. 

Get creative with alternative cooling methods

Chilled gel packs can be very effective, as can cooling sprays. Apply them to your neck or wrists to help you cool down and give you quick relief during sudden hot flushes or night sweats.

What to wear in bed

Try moisture-wicking pyjamas

Fabrics that draw sweat away from your skin will help you feel more comfortable. Look for lightweight and breathable materials like bamboo or moisture-wicking athletic wear designed for night sweats.

Keep extra clothing and bedding nearby

Have a spare set of nightwear next to your bed in case you wake up feeling overheated and need to change. A spare sheet and duvet can help you change bedding quickly if they become wet following a night sweat.

Create a relaxing bedtime routine

  1. Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to regulate your body temperature. Keep a glass of ice water by your bedside to refresh you if needed during the night.
  2. Take a cool shower or bath before bed. This can help lower your body temperature and relax you ready for a restful night’s sleep.
  3. Experiment with doctor-recommended sleep products. This lavender pillow spray is proven to help you drift off easily and is a favourite of the Stella team.  
  4. Practise relaxation techniques. Try deep breathing, muscle relaxation, meditation, or gentle yoga before bed. They can calm your mind, reduce stress and prepare you for a more peaceful sleep.

Final word

Night sweats are tricky to manage at the best of times but throw balmy weather into the mix and you can become a hot and sticky mess. There are things you can do during the day to prepare for a better night’s sleep so you find it easier to fall – and stay – asleep. Prioritising your sleep can make your menopause symptoms that much easier to cope with. 

Find out more about menopause on our blog or in our symptoms library.

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